Managing your money is not an easy task and can be a headache given the huge choice of financial products that are now available. Naudi Mizzi & Associates Advocates can offer you efficient and independent legal advice with the added assurance that any advisors we engage are licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority.
More and more individuals are finding themselves in the position where they need to consider tax planning and trustworthy and efficient help is not easy to find.
Malta has established itself as an attractive jurisdiction for financial services and offers a wide range of financial services products. However, the vast field of financial services is complex. Naudi Mizzi & Associates Advocates offers concrete advice on the various regulatory and supervisory requirements and general compliance.
With our wide knowledge of national and international tax legislation and the investment market, we can guide you to getting the advice you may need. We work for private companies, partnerships, cooperative societies and sole traders involved in various sectors of the economy. We also work very closely with a good number of other professionals such as accountants, auditors, and investment advisors who often refer clients to us.
For more information on how we may assist, contact us here.
- Investments
- Retirement planning
- Permanent Residence in Malta
- Tax Planning
- Insurance